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Friends, would you believe it?
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Remember that TV commercial where the guy
sat in front of his computer, typed in exactly
what he wanted to have, and *POOF* it suddenly
appeared, seemingly out of nowhere?

I think it was a commercial for insurance.

But what if something like that actually existed?

A website you can go to, type in exactly what
you want, and watch it materialize, right in
front of you... sound impossible?

If it *IS* possible, you'd probably want to see
it for yourself, wouldn't you?

You might even be curious enough to try it and
see if it works. Well, what if you didn't even
have to pay for it?

What if it was a gift?

Well, if you have a few minutes and would like
to see what the heck I'm talking about, find out
for yourself if it works, and even read HUNDREDS
of real testimonials from real people who now use
this website on a daily basis to get everything
they've ever wanted -- you can check it out here:


Put your plastic away, because you won't need it.
This is a gift from me to you, and I sincerely hope
you enjoy it and use it to get everything you want.

Enjoy the gift!
Johan Setiawan

PS. If you're even remotely curious about this brand
new website, I urge you to accept this gift now. It
can change your life, like it has for hundreds of
others you'll read about when you click this link:

posted by Johan Setiawan @ 2:41 PM  
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